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Sydney Institute for Astronomy
The University of Sydney
Discovery of the Dulais Stream
Late in 2022 (seems like so long ago) I discovered a new stream of stars in the Andromeda Galaxy. This structure, which we detect in the...
The Anthropic Principle: A chat with Fraser Cain
I chatted with Fraser Cain, curator and author of Universe Today, on a range of cosmological topics, including the convertible Anthropic...
The Trouble with "Puddle Thinking"
Luke Barnes and I have a paper coming out in the Proceedings and Journal of the Royal Society of NSW on a controversial topic in...
Are globular clusters home to dark matter?
A short write up of some recent research work, undertaken by ex-PhD student, Zhen Wan, on his search for dark matter in globular...
Falling into a black hole: Just what do you see?
Another blast from the blog past! 2017 this time, and the question is "what do you see when you fall into a black hole?" There is a lot...
Unknown Pleasures
I am part of the GALAH Survey, a project to observe hundreds of thousands of stars in the Milky Way to try and piece together its...
Lux ex tenebris: The imprint of annihilating dark matter
A new paper on the arxiv discussing the impact of decaying dark matter on the early evolution of the universe. You can read the paper here
A write-up of our recent paper on using neural nets to untangle the gamma ray signal from the Galactic Centre, a potential sign of dark...
The Stars that Time Forgot
A write-up of our recent discovery of the Phoenix Stream that appeared in Nature
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